API Endpoints

VPN Script comes with API so you can create and integrate with your own applications. You have to use your VPN Script installation link as the base URL for the endpoints.


Authenticate User

POST /api/auth/token

You have to authenticate the client and retrieve Bearer token in order to send requests to API Endpoints.


Request Body

    "success": true,
    "message": null,
    "token": "12|TDLLcUvoJlzYKMgMi398WwxjW6tcY8OJtZkWcfTC"

Account Details

GET /api/account

Retrieve general details of user account


    "success": true,
    "message": null,
    "data": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "admin",
        "email": "admin@example.com",
        "status": 2,
        "suspend_reason": null,
        "service": [
                "id": 1,
                "user_id": 1,
                "plan_id": 3,
                "name": "Gold Plan",
                "next_payment": "2022-06-15T00:06:00.000000Z",
                "auto_renew": 1,
                "status": 1
        "created_at": null,
        "updated_at": "2021-12-21T20:16:32.000000Z"

Server List

GET /api/servers

Get all VPN servers available


Request Body

    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Test Server",
            "country": "Germany",
            "country_slug": "germany",
            "country_iso_code": "de",
            "city": "",
            "state": "Frankfurt",
            "host": "",
            "ipaddr": "",
            "protocol": "openvpn",
            "config_id": 1,
            "wg_available_slots": 253,
            "wg_slots": 0
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Test Server 2",
            "country": "Germany",
            "country_slug": "germany",
            "country_iso_code": "de",
            "city": "",
            "state": "Frankfurt",
            "host": "",
            "ipaddr": "",
            "protocol": "wireguard",
            "config_id": null,
            "wg_available_slots": 253,
            "wg_slots": 0


OpenVPN Profile

GET /api/openvpn/profile

Retrieve the OpenVPN profile for specific vpn server.


Request Body

    "success": true,
    "message": null,
    "data": "client\ndev tun\nproto udp\nremote 1194\nresolv-retry infinite\nnobind\npersist-tun\nauth-user-pass\nreneg-sec 0\nblock-outside-dns\ncipher AES-128-GCM\ntls-version-min 1.2\ntls-cipher TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256\nmute-replay-warnings\nverb 0\nclient-cert-not-required\nignore-unknown-option block-outside-dns\nsetenv opt block-outside-dns # Prevent Windows 10 DNS leak\n<ca>\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nsXnxlX+efW1dAiEA24iaSKjJKNsXyyzslTDegu9ktHg2AiHOVdrCIoD1Nk4=\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\r\n\n</ca>\n"

OpenVPN Authentication Details

GET /api/openvpn/auth

Retrieve the required username and password to be used with OpenVPN profile files in order to connect to the vpn server.


    "success": true,
    "message": null,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "user_id": 1,
        "service_id": 1,
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "HZovQQZlQori",
        "devices": 10,
        "enabled": 1,
        "created_at": "2021-12-21T20:16:32.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-12-21T20:20:21.000000Z"


WireGuard Configurations

GET /api/wireguard/configs

Retrieve all WireGuard configurations for specific vpn server.


    "status": true,
    "message": null,
    "data": [
            "id": 5,
            "config": null,
            "status": 2, // 0 - Pending creation, 1 - Active, 2 - Pending deletion
            "fail_reason": null,
            "created_at": "2021-12-21T21:29:45.000000Z",
            "updated_at": "2021-12-21T21:40:02.000000Z"

When a configuration status is "1" that means it was created on the server and it will set "config" data to connect WireGuard.

WireGuard Configuration

POST /api/wireguard/create

Create a new WireGuard configuration on specific vpn server.


Request Body

    "status": true,
    "message": "WireGuard configuration create job dispatched. It will be completed shortly."

WireGuard Configuration

DELETE /api/wireguard/delete

Delete a specific WireGuard configuration.


Request Body

    "success": true,
    "message": "WireGuard configuration delete job dispatched. It will be completed shortly."

Last updated